Student Organizations
Joining student organizations provides many opportunities to be professionally, technically and socially involved. Iron Range Engineering is continuously working to develop student organizations that fit the needs and interests of the students. Amongst these groups are IEEE, SWE, SME, and the Civil Engineering Society.
The Society of Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration (SME) student chapter promotes among its members and all students attending Iron Range Engineering continued professional growth in the areas of mining, metallurgy, and exploration as well as to encourage professional responsibility that includes ethical, social, economic, and safety considerations.
IRE Society of Air and SpaceThe Iron Range Engineering Society of Air and Space is a student organization devoted to providing IRE students with opportunities to explore the aerospace industry. These opportunities including the proposal and organization of academic and extracurricular projects and activities related to both Aeronautics and Astronautics, as well as career exploration and networking events such as industry tours, guest visits, presentations, and trips to academic and professional aerospace conferences.